Which Play to Earn game has become the most popular?


The largest P2E project is the Axie Infinity game. Its success can hardly be overestimated: the total sales volume for the entire period exceeded 942 million dollars. Currently, the game has more than 350,000 active users. The game was created by Sky Mavis, a studio founded in early 2018 and ranked fifth in terms of revenue among video game producers.

Axie Infinity is a turn-based card game on the Ethereum blockchain where you can mine NFTs and earn in-game SLP and AXS tokens. To earn rewards, users fight monsters and other players with a team of 3 Axie. Axie are cute NFT creatures with a unique set of characteristics that are reflected in their cards. The variety of Axies and their skills allows you to choose a team to suit your playstyle.

Avatars and land are also presented in the format of non-fungible tokens. The success of the game mechanics depends on the NFT chosen by the player. For example, if a real horse purchased by a player in the form of a token wins a race, he or she will receive a reward in the meta-universe.

It is not necessary to take care of the purchased horses, you can switch NFT to staking and receive bonuses for this. If you want to buy your own farm, you need to buy land. Every time someone uses its services, they will receive income.

Users can interact and trade assets with other players, participate in the social life of the project, buy plots of NFT land and other game assets.

  • Axie Infinity has 3 options for earning money that can be combined with each other:
  • battles in the Arena mode (PvP);
  • mining and selling NFTs (breeding and selling Axie in the marketplace);
  • investing in Lunacia land plots.

In the best of times, the game had about 2.8 million users per day, and the total trading volume reached $3.8 billion. Therefore, Axie Infinity has become a leader in the Play to Earn segment, and in developing countries such as the Philippines and Indonesia, it has replaced full-time jobs for some people through the emergence of so-called scholarships.

Fellowships are contracts that are concluded between players. One of them is a manager and the other is a student. Managers are those who have enough resources but little time to play. Students are people who spend all their free time playing the game at the expense of managers. The profit is divided between them 60/40. However, the percentage of the share may vary depending on the agreement. Students do not have access to the SLP and AXS they have earned. Withdrawals are handled by the manager. In fact, the student plays from someone else’s account for a percentage of the game earnings. That is, it can be regarded as a way to win without investing anything.